Breakthrough French
technology for the
transformation of bauxite
waste into high-quality
2 stage technology:
Pre-treatment of bauxite waste to improve the available alumina content (e.g. A/S= 2.7 to A/S=10.1)
More efficient bauxite refining using less energy and resources
Our technology is designed for tailored integration, offering unprecedented flexibility
to respond to market opportunities
2 eco-solutions
delivered by a single technology
Developed to adapt to local problems where quality bauxite resources have become scarce, the IB2 process extracts the unavailable alumina (trapped by silica) from bauxite waste to produce 2 valuable products:

Local bauxite wastes
solution 1
IB2 Bauxite rich in available alumina,
low in silica and impurities
Production of quality alumina
(optimised Bayer process)
solution 2
Tobermorite IB2
Possible applications in
several sectors:
Water treatment
(for the extraction of heavy metals)
• soundproofing products, thermal insulation
• accelerates the setting of concrete
• alternative to clinker in cement manufacture
(significant reduction in cement’s carbon footprint)
Patented Greentech
both agile and robust
AGILE :Our technology can easily be integrated into existing refineries, without the need for costly equipment modifications.
In general, the IB2 solution does not require the removal or modification of existing refinery equipment (IB2 unit connected to the existing refinery) and therefore allows flexibility according to bauxite market opportunities
Where more appropriate, IB2 can also re-use existing equipment, configuring itself to design the most appropriate option
This is the case for one of IB2‘s customers…
ROBUST : Developed by internationally recognised experts in the field, our solution is reliable and field-proven.
Technology developed by internationally recognised experts in the field, who will support you with this solution
The most economically and ecologically suitable alternative on the market to date
Other solutions (such as sintering, flotation, washing or the massive import of bauxite) experimented with by certain plants located far from ports, have their limits
Some refineries are even going backwards after testing them, because they are becoming more and more restrictive without providing a profitable or reliable long-term solution, unlike IB2
Looking to the future: IB2 also considerably reduces environmental impact, which is now an imperative in all sectors and a decision-making criterion at all levels
IB2 :
A champion of the
circular Economy

Recovering alumina-rich waste and reducing the pressure to exploit new mining resources

A completely redesigned process to reduce the environmental impact of alumina production while ensuring 100% recycling of the by-product (tobermorite)

Industrial and
territorial ecology
A new industrial ecosystem, creating synergies and value, opening up major prospects
IB2 : a model with multiple benefits
For local authorities, communities and regions
Facilitators to build this new vision of the industry
- Increases mine reserves
- Reduces consumption of natural resources
- Reduces pollution and nuisance
- Achieves global environmental objectives
- Strengthens local roots by making the most of local resources
- Increases economic and geopolitical independence
- Creates and consolidates local jobs
- Boosts economic development and enhances the region’s appeal
For refineries’ customers
- Optimises and secures the management of incoming flows:
- Recycles local bauxite wastes
- Reduces the amount of bauxite required (~-25%)
- Reduces soda consumption (~-70%) and energy consumption
- Optimises outbound flows:
- Reduces red muds by up to 60%
- Adds value to Tobermorite as a green cement co-product that becomes a raw material for other industrials and/or for decarbonation applications
- Fosters the achievement of environmental objectives
- Reduces transport and supply costs (alternative to imports)
- Significantly reduces production costs
- Reduces the cost of storing and treating bauxite residues (red muds)
- Generates new sources of income through the sale of recyclable co-products (tobermorite)
- Improves the company’s image
- Increases competitiveness and innovation
- Reinforces the capital base and profitability
- Ensures the long-term future of the company
Economy, resource recovery and recycling, decarbonisation :
Through these cross-functional challenges, IB2 creates value for all its stakeholders
(customers, employees, environment, communities and territories, shareholders…)