Technip Energies 认可 IB2 技术:为可持续氧化铝行业铺平道路

IB2 和 Technip 很高兴庆祝七周年技术合作.


我们非常荣幸能够与这样一家享有盛誉且敬业的工程公司合作。 Technip 对我们的使命的理解以及 IB2 革命对整个铝工业的战略重要性是无价的。

为此,AL Circle 发表了一篇有关该主题的文章。


“全球工业创新领导者 Technip Energies 宣布支持法国公司 IB2 开发的突破性 IB2 技术。这项创新工艺有可能彻底改变铝精炼工艺,使其更高效、更具成本效益、更环保,从而应对铝行业面临的主要挑战。”




采访 IB2 SAS 总经理 Romain Girbal



“IB2 代表改良铝土矿和改良拜耳,它提供了一种革命性的解决方案,可以显著提高低品位铝土矿的氧化铝产量。IB2 技术由 Yves Occello 领导的专家团队开发,他们在铝土矿和氧化铝行业拥有 400 年的综合经验,旨在提高效率、成本效益和环保。

Romain Girbal:IB2 是一家为氧化铝精炼厂提供工业绿色技术的供应商。我们通过去除二氧化硅、硫和有机碳,将低品位铝土矿加工成高品位铝土矿。此外,我们还生产副产品雪硅钙石,用于水泥生产。

                             Bauxite industry


完整文章请见此处: 中国低品位铝土矿加工需求前景可期-专访法国IB2公司-总经理-罗曼·欣巴尔-亚洲金属网

要了解有关我们技术的更多信息:一切都好 – IB2

了解 IB2 技術:氧化鋁精煉廠的遊戲規則改變者 – 文章

透過AL Circle了解IB2技術

AL Circle 談論 IB2,這是一項革命性技術,將鋁土礦廢物轉化為永續機會:成本和二氧化碳排放量降低高達 40%,同時生產創新的綠色水泥。



Senze Ceremony - IB2 in China


IB2 代表改良鋁土礦和改良拜耳,提供了一種革命性的解決方案,可顯著提高低品位鋁土礦氧化鋁的產量。IB2 技術由 Yves Occello 領導的專家團隊開發,在鋁土礦-氧化鋁行業擁有 400 年的經驗,旨在更高效、更具成本效益和更環保。

該技術允許氧化鋁精煉廠對迄今為止被認為是鋁土礦廢料的廢料進行精鍊,從而實現高 A/S 比、降低能耗並延長礦山壽命。它通過最大限度地提高產量,同時最大限度地減少浪費和環境影響來提供競爭優勢。”


在這裡找到完整的文章:AL Circle – 了解 IB2 技術:氧化鋁精煉廠的遊戲規則改變者

了解有關 IB2 團隊的更多資訊: 一切都好 – IB2


在中國舉行破土動工儀式: 從鋁土礦廢料中提取氧化鋁的 IB2 廠破土動工

中國氧化鋁行業的一個重要里程碑正在形成,11 月 12 日舉行了 IB2 廠建設的正式奠基儀式。這個創新的項目旨在將低品位的鋁土礦轉化為有價值的資源,利用最先進的 IB2 技術從鋁土礦廢料中提取氧化鋁。


隨著全球鋁需求的持續增長,優質鋁土礦的稀缺性成為行業面臨的一大挑戰。新的 IB2 廠透過開發之前被認為不可行的資源,直接解決了這一問題。最初,該項目的鋁土礦原石處理能力為 700t/年,隨後幾年可大幅提高。




IB2 工藝基於創新的鋁土礦廢料回收技術,是循環經濟方法的一部分,最大限度地利用當地資源,限制工業廢料(赤泥)。IB2 工廠位於中國的戰略位置,將在山西地區的經濟和工業發展中發揮關鍵作用。




IB2 及其合作夥伴藉由此舉表明了他們對更可持續、更有彈性的採礦業的承諾。啟動儀式標誌著氧化鋁採礦業新時代的開始,技術創新與環境責任在此相遇。












逗留的另一个亮点是参观了典型的村庄 Baux-de-Provence 在此期间,我们的团队讨论了铝土矿的起源。







Ecology and profit are fiercely compatible – Article

Merging Ecology with Profitability at IB2

Romain Girbal, co-founder of IB2, believes the ecological transition is a significant growth opportunity for innovative entrepreneurs. IB2 has developed a revolutionary process to transform low-grade bauxite into high-quality ore, reducing production costs by 40% and the need for imports.

This process minimizes environmental impact by lowering CO2 emissions and decreasing the production of red mud waste by 67%.

Additionally, IB2’s method produces tobermorite, a component in green cement with half the CO2 emissions of traditional cement. IB2’s technology supports a circular economy and demonstrates that ecological sustainability and profitability can go hand in hand.

Yves Occello and Romain Girbal, co-founders of IB2.

International Collaboration and Future Prospects

IB2 has a 22-year partnership with China’s Liulin Senze and is attracting interest from countries like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan. These countries are looking to reduce production costs and environmental impact. IB2 aims to expand globally, demonstrating that integrating sustainability into business models can drive innovation and profitability.

Global Inspiration and Future Vision

Inspired by international examples, such as Germany’s “Energiewende” and the U.S.’s revitalization of the Rust Belt, IB2 showcases that industrial policies focused on ecology can regenerate regions and create sustainable jobs. Romain Girbal emphasizes that ecological and economic goals can reinforce each other, making them “fiercely compatible.”


You can read the full article published in Le POINT Stories on 27/05/2024 :

To learn more about IB2 sustainable technology:

Meeting the rise of aluminum – Article

Meeting the rise of aluminum and also offering green cement

– sustainable management of mineral resources – 

  • Aluminium demand is rising while high quality ores becomes rare

  • IB2 (Improved Bauxite Improved Bayer) company offers innovative solutions

    IB2 technology upgrades low-quality bauxite to a higher available alumina content, allowing refineries to extract more bauxite locally. IB2 technology also makes refinement more efficient and reduces red mud production.

    Additionally, the IB2 process produces Tobermorite, a valuable by-product often known as green cement, which can generate extra revenue.

  • 400 Years of Expertise: Revolutionizing Bauxite for a Greener, Sustainable Future.

Experts at IB2 bring a combined experience of 400 years. Some of us have actively contributed to the development of industry and others have co-invented several patents. But the main goal of us all has been the same: to make industries more efficient, sustainable, and greener. That’s what we aim to do with the bauxite industry through IB2.”  R.Girbal


March 27, 2024 – Article published by: Holy Minoza in “Chicago Journal”

“Discover more insights by reading the entire article here.” :

“Uncover the full story of IB2 here :

IB2 Green tech – Video interview by FOX17 Morning Mix

Designer and supplier of green technology for ALUMINA REFINING

Romain Girbal presents the innovative IB2 process during a video interview on Fox 17 Morning Mix

March 11th 2024 

“By transforming low-quality bauxite into high-quality bauxite, IB2 enables its customers to efficiently use local resources, thereby minimizing environmental impact and improving sustainability. » FOX17

To watch the video interview : IB2 Alumina Refining: A designer and supplier of green technology (

To learn more about IB2 sustainable technology:

Towards ecological aluminium with IB2 – Article

IB2 makes it possible to combine lower production costs, positive impact in waste management and industrial sovereignty

Extract from the article dated March 6th, 2024, CAPITAL

“The IB2 process transforms low quality bauxite into a high-grade ore. It combines ecological transition and a significant reduction in production costs. Unique in the world, it modernizes and makes more efficient the ancestral Bayer process. ”

To read the article:

To learn more about the company and the IB2 team:

IB2 at the forefront of green industry – Press release

IB2 process contributes to a circular economy, transforming an environmental challenge into a tangible economic opportunity

“This bold French company is turning constraints into a springboard for innovation and sustainable growth in the aluminum industry.”

Key topics :

  • “Revolutionary process 
  • IB2 in full expansion
  • Green can turn to gold”

Extract from the article edited in FINANCIAL CONTENT- BUSINESS PAGE – 2024/02/02

Read the full article :


Learn more about IB2 team :